As time goes on and technology gets more advanced, responsive website design is becoming more of a requirement and less of an option for modern websites. There are many reasons to pursue a responsive website, and it can be hard to find a San Diego web design company that is able to design your website for the full spectrum of Internet browsing devices. From mobile phone to professional level desktop computers, it’s important to make sure your website looks great on whatever screen your users happen to be browsing on. The primary and historical reason we bring responsive website design to San Diego is to increase usability and optimize the browsing experience for people on all sorts of different devices.
In the past websites were created primarily for laptop or desktop computers, and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets were expected to simply scale the website down to a smaller size, requiring the user to manually zoom in and scroll around much more than should be necessary on a mobile device. Thanks to responsive CSS, and various JavaScript and jQuery techniques, we at Mission Bay Media make a point to ensure that all websites we develop are beautiful, no matter how small the screen is.
Mobile Internet browsers make up over 35% of global Internet browsers – this means that if you don’t have a responsive website, over one third of your readers or visitors are going to have trouble reading and digesting the content on your website. This in turn translates to users getting frustrated, leaving your website in favor of an alternative competitor, and ultimately negatively impacts conversions and your return on investment. Making sure to prioritize responsive design for your new website is a great way to ensure that a majority of web users are going to be able to browse your site in an accurate and meaningful way.
Additionally, having a responsive or mobile friendly website means that visitors and potential customers can find your website on Google and other search engines much more easily. In April 2015, Google implemented a new mobile friendly requirement for its website indexing protocol. Basically that means that if your website is not responsive, and does not contain some sort of redirect for a mobile site, Google and other search engines will not consider your website as important as sites that do, and thus your competitors would receive higher rankings in Google searches. With over 64% of web browsers finding websites via Google and other search engines, it is increasingly imperative that your website exhibit some kind of responsive design. Search engine optimization is a complicated and many headed beast, and making a point to pursue a responsive and mobile friendly website is a great and relatively predictable way to get an edge over your competitors.
Here at Mission Bay Media, we design new websites from the ground up with mobile in mind. We employ a top-down testing and development environment whereby we will examine your new website with extreme scrutiny across the full spectrum of mobile and desktop devices to ensure competitive rankings in Google search and a beautiful and fulfilling browsing experience for all of your users and customers. We also take pride in our ability to retrofit responsive mobile solutions for pre-existing websites that may have been designed with only desktop and laptop applications in mind. Whatever your situation, requirements or desires, we at Mission Bay Media can make sure that your website and business are effectively represented and command a presence on mobile devices.
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